Is hCGChica keeping off the weight lost with hCG injections?

If so, then why does she seem to keep re-visiting the 120's on the scale during multiple rounds of the hCG Diet?

Let me put your minds to rest- I am not re-losing weight, but let me explain my unique hCG journey.[pullquote]Let me put your minds to rest- I am not re-losing weight, but let me explain my unique hCG journey.[/pullquote] I got a question from someone on youtube who was a little confused by my hCG diet journey at first (after all I have 175+ videos!) so I wanted to make a video and blog post that gives you a synopsis of just what I've personally been doing with the hCG Diet protocol and why it could appear at first that I am re-losing weight (ie losing weight with hCG, then re-gaining weight, then re-losing that same weight again with hCG, and so on), when in reality, I'm losing new fat with each subsequent round of hCG. I'd like to show to you here the unique way I've been using the hCG protocol.

Blog post via Is hcgchica able to maintain her weightloss with the hCG Diet?

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4/29/2018 10:43:33 pm

Great this article is very helpful. Thank you for the valuable information.

1/21/2021 03:56:06 am

What you feel inside reflects on your face. So be happy and positive all the time.
It's so important to realize that every time you get upset, it drains your emotional energy.


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